Friday, May 17, 2013

Preschool On Our Own

Today the two girls that do our coop preschool with us were both sick and so we did the whole routine alone. And it worked really well! It surprised me, I thought I could only teach an organized, well-run preschool class if I had some type of outside pressure making sure I stuck to the plan.

But it turned out soo cute. Even with the fact that Memo would not take his normal nap and I had to step out of class for 20+ minutes. Good thing there were no witnesses! Hehe, but my favorite part by far and away was that while I was trying to tame the bucking bronco my boys were making me a late Mother's Day gift, or teacher's appreciation gift, take your pick. We were playing with buttons before I left. For every question they answered right I would put a button in a baby jar for them. Each boy chose a number of buttons to reach as their goal. :) Well, what would you expect from two boys left with a bunch of buttons and mom's sewing kit still out on the table?

This is the necklace they made me, after I took it off. It is all twisted now but I think as long as I remember the pattern, "purple, yellow, purple, yellow.. and a few others," I should be able to remake it before they notice ;). Seriously, Levi was just gushing over his creation and was really excited to give it to me. "I used the big people scissors and I didn't get an ouchie!" Hmm. But he also said, "We liked all the days of preschool and you are a good teacher. And it's another gift for Mother's Day. And you can put it on you when you go to the temple, your beautiful necklace that we made you. And.. that's why we love you!"

How about that? All-purpose and they love me now because they made me a necklace! Unless I misunderstood somehow..? Plus, they each earned the amount of buttons they needed to win the prize! Which was a coupon to Jamba Juice and so, we went straightaway to celebrate!

This shot is not what I was going for, but it does show that I was a disgruntled customer who still ended up paying $9.49 even with two coupons and even though I bought one of the smoothies on sale! We enjoyed them, of course. But when you drink the Berry Blast followed by the Peanut Butter Moo'd, it can't help tasting like a sandwich. And they have PB &J shakes for half-off at Sonic, if you go at the right time. Me to the store manager, "Are you saying you didn't give me the special because you did the free upgrade?" and thinking, "And didn't even give me the whole blender full when you divided it into three cups?" But I didn't let on to the boys, and I call that a success!

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